Travellyze blog


2022 is arriving with new ways of travelling such as ‘responsible tourism’. The pandemic has sped up this trend, not just with the intention but the traveller behaviour and actions these travellers have done as part of a holiday. That means the difference between guessing and knowing and the differences between spending and investing.

Destinations, hotels, and airlines need to adapt to the new situation widening their knowledge of its origin market. They need to produce answers and drive data-led tourism marketing strategies to carry out these changes.
Travellyze allows you to examine the Social and Environmental Responsibility of your audience in multiple ways - an all in one tool.

Start now and discover your responsible tourist profile


Travellyze includes a unique cross-referencing option that allows you to analyse your audience according to your specific destination, hotel or airline. You can save your different traveller profiles in favourites to check it later. All data can be combined and crossed, which gives you almost endless possibilities to customise reports and find precisely the insights you need.
For example, pick the market of origin Scotland and select ‘Research profile’.

Research Intelligence

Travellyze lets you present your insights in attractive graphic ways, such as premade bars, graphs, and pies. Thus, your analyses will look professional with unique insights into which destinations travellers are considering, which aspects of the destination will affect their decision, when they are planning to travel and how they book. All of this, and more, can be cross-referred to 100+ destinations.

Behaviour Analysis

In the left toolbar, you can choose from five different market research aspects like Demographics, Budget Planning, Travel Inspiration, Destination factors, and Behaviour Analysis.

Social And Environmental Behaviour

As a result, Travellyze shows you a Social and Environmental Responsibility Chart where you can see the different behaviours and actions these travellers have previously taken part in as part of a holiday, not just the intention.
For example, in our case study, 24.2% of the Turkeys travellers have chosen a train or bus over a plane ticket, and 7.3% have chosen eco-friendly accommodation despite costing more than a regular one.
Also, you can identify if they are willing to take part in a rural or local community experience to share their domestic life. Furthermore, you can determine if they search for quiet natural places or overcrowding, even if they have supported a social conservation project (activism).

In case you have another reporting program, no worries! Travellyze allows you to export your data, switch the data to Bar Chart or Line Chart, and even download the image to make your work easier and make your analyses look professional.

Transportation used for international trips

In addition to the social and environmental behaviour, this analysis shows you the transportation methods used for international trips.
Turkish Travellers travel by plane in economy class, using their vehicle or bus for international trips.
In this case, you can also switch the data to Bar Chart or Line Chart, even to download the image.

Apprehension level

This analysis shows you if the traveller would still travel if they receive an exciting offer for a holiday to somewhere with a travel alert/warning by an official government travel advisory. For example, 75,8% of Turkish travellers would not travel if they received a holiday offer somewhere with a travel alert.

Travellyze conducts its surveys in collaboration with recognised analysis bureaus, based on a representative cross-section of people from the largest provider of panellists in the various markets.

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2022-01-11 11:39