The summer holidays have arrived! On this occasion, from Travellyze we set out to examine in detail and describe the profile of a European traveller on their summer holidays. For that same reason, we created a report on our platform which showed us each of the characteristics of this traveller. We carry out this analysis to know more about the European sun and beach traveller and to generate, with this information, the corresponding marketing and development strategies.
To begin, we will detail the demographic profile of the "European Sun and Beach Traveller”:
- Female 54.4%
- Between 35 and 44 years of age 19.6%
- Has a vocational education 44.8%
- Married or living with her partner 53.3%
- Household income, between 18,000 and 35,999 EUR mostly (27.7%). In this
- Allocated between 1,000 and 2,999 EUR for her holidays (39.1%), just like the previous year.
When we talk about the marketing and development strategies of a destination, it is important to know who the traveller is and also to have a deep knowledge of their sources of inspiration and motivations to travel. In the case of the European sun and beach traveller, this is the Top 3 sources of inspiration:

Another important point to gather information on in order to prepare the destination for the next travellers are the travel factors. It is necessary to know the importance of the different factors for this segment of travellers in particular.
In our report the information is very clear and concise. There are 10 main factors that top the priority list for travellers in this segment:
- Cleanliness 42.62%
- Going to the beach 41.08%
- Safety standards/low crime levels 41.05%
- Health and hygiene standards (local / global outbreaks) 40.58%
- Direct flight 37.32%
- Exciting food experience opportunities 36.05%
- Nature/outdoor experiences 35.66%
- Living new experiences 34.69%
- Flights from my local airport 34.48%
- Easy access to medical facilities (infrastructure, availability, proximity) 33.62%
Top 3

Now that we know both the demographics of the traveller segment and the factors to be taken into account when designing destinations, it is essential to analyze and understand traveller behavior in detail.
Do you know how this segment books their travel?

Travel Accommodation
Destinations around the world offer different accommodation variables. In the case of the European sun and beach traveller, their preferences are based on 5 main types of accommodation:
- 3-4* Hotel 48.9%
- Holiday home (not my own privately owned home) 27.8%
- Bed and Breakfast 23%
- Private rental (e.g. Airbnb, Homeaway, house swap) 21.4%
- Budget Hotel/Hostel 18.9%
Transportation used for International Trips
- Own vehicle 42.6%
- Flight premium economy / economy 37.4%
- Ferry 28%
- Train 18.8%
- Bus 12.2%
Nowadays, concerns for the environment are growing. Some travellers take actions to help and contribute to the caring of the world.
Do you know what are the different actions that travellers of this segment have done as a part of a holiday?

As a BONUS TRACK to complete the report, we wanted to share the destination rankings we have in Travellyze.
We have a general ranking "The Image Rank" that is based on a comprehensive algorithm with three dimensions as points of reference: perception, experience and awareness. Each of these three metrics have been analyzed separately below and together they make up the overall image ranking of the destination.
Awareness Rank
How much does this segment know about the destination's tourism offering?

Perception Analysis
- Positive Perception Rank: how is the destination perceived by travelers from this segment that have NOT visited it yet?

- Destination Appeal: proportion of the market segment have not yet visited each destination but would like to one day.

- Destination Short Term Demand: proportion of the market segment have not yet visited each destination but intend to visit within the next 3 years.

Experience Analysis
- Destination Experience: how is this destination perceived by travelers from this segment that have already visited?

- Visitation Analysis: what proportion of the traveler segment have visited each destination?

- Re Visitors Analysis: what proportion of the traveler segment have visited each destination and intend to return?

This one is a general rank and is based on a comprehensive algorithm with three dimensions as points of reference: perception, experience and awareness.