Travellyze blog

Travellyze in line with the Sustainable Development Goals

In a world where the digital transformation of the tourism ecosystem is accelerating, it is essential that we are able to respond to each of the challenges we face. But how to respond to them? The only answer for us is: sustainably.

That is why we are very proud that from Travellyze, a Spanish travel technology company, we have reached the final in the category of "Tourism Tech for Good" in the UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge. The Challenge is a global competition for entrepreneurs seeking to promote sustainability in the tourism industry. With an ever-increasing digital transformation and technology adoption throughout the tourism value chain, the competition looks to find the most innovative startups that are contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Covers several categories such as “Green and blue economies”, “Local community involvement”, “Tourism Education”, “Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation” and “Women Empowerment". The winners of each category are companies that are working towards making a positive impact in the tourism industry.

In the category of “Tourism Tech for Good,” the winners were Murmuration from France, Evelity by Okeenea Digital from France and Accessible Qatar from Qatar. Murmuration provides innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of air travel. Evelity by Okeenea Digital offers technology solutions that help to improve the sustainability and accessibility of tourism destinations. Accessible Qatar is a company that provides information and services to help make Qatar more accessible for travelers with disabilities.

The Awake Tourism Challenge is a crucial platform for young entrepreneurs to showcase their work and receive support from stakeholders in the tourism industry. With a keen focus on sustainability and technology. This initiative, focused on sustainability and technology, is a step towards a brighter future for the tourism sector.

In conclusion, the recognition of Travellyze as a finalist in the UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge is a testament to the company’s commitment to promoting sustainable tourism. Provides an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to showcase their work and receive support from the tourism industry. With the rapid transformation of the tourism sector, initiatives such as these play a vital role in ensuring that the industry remains sustainable and socially responsible.
2023-02-03 13:12 Company updates